
Star wars Armada: Tie fighter squadron painting guide

Hello all

I have finally got an proper game of Star wars Armada and what a game it is! The ships are beautiful and need no additional work but the squadrons looks pretty poor in comparison with the ships. But its easy to fix with a few hours at the painting table.

I search the internet and found that there is a few guides how to do this but I though I will show my way and colours because the look good and proper in my opinion.

Here is the result:

I will use a Tie Bomber for this step by step, but it´s valid for all tie fighters.

Colours I use:

Step 1:
Cover complete model with Vallejo 70990 Ligh Grey

Step 2:
Paint side "wings" with Vallejo 70995 German Grey
This is a bit time consuming, but it´s good to be detailed to get a good final result.

Step 3:
Cover complete model with Vallejo 76517 Wash for grey & dark vehicles. Take care that there is no pooling on flat surfaces. also no areas with out wash,

Step 4:
Dry brush edges and complete model with Vallejo 70990.
Rely quick step to clean and pick out details around window and side panels.

Step 5:
Last step, paint engines with Vallejo 70844 Deep sky blue.
Water paint a bit to make it easier to flow in to the engine space.

With this final step complete will the model be ready for play.
I will probably airbrush an thin dull coat to protect the models more but it´s not 100 necessary.

I will publish an short summery of my last game or the next game how knows. The only thing I know is that this is an really good game that I will try to play as much as possible.

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